Do not be deceived

Take heed that no one deceives you - Matthew 24:4

These are unprecedented times to be living in and serving our Lord.

It is disturbing to see the turmoil around the world, and the growing confusion within the body of believers about how to respond and what to believe.

In December, I finally caved in to many requests for me to open a Facebook account. I immediately enjoyed reconnecting, albeit electronically, with friends who I have not seen or spoken to in years.

I have had the joy of reading and looking at photographs of some of the people I was privileged to know pastorally back in my days in East London, and to share personal messages with friends and loved ones. 

I have also seen people so caught up in the turmoil of what is happening across the world that they appear to have lost balance and side-lined their faith.

I have just returned from a blessed ministry trip to Gouda, Holland and Stuttgart, Germany, and now I am preparing to minister in several other nations. I have been praying for the Lord to show me His word and heart for His people in 2019.

I strongly believe from the Lord that I am to speak widely concerning the last days. 

For years, various preachers have shared their understanding of the last days, and many believers have been caught up with 'prophetic' teaching about events that are yet to unfold. This has often been to the detriment of clear balanced teaching on the need for godly living, discipleship and building the Kingdom of God. 

Some end-times teaching is far from biblical, ignoring the place of Israel, and veering off into fantasy realms, creating great confusion.
I have, therefore, often avoided last days teaching when I have been privileged to take God's word out of Zion to the nations. Instead, I have tried to provide some balance by focussing on important truths that are not always emphasized.

However, I believe that the Holy Spirit is now prompting me to go to Matthew 24 and other biblical texts that address the last days, and to begin teaching from them as I travel.

I realize there are clear words from the Lord in these scriptures that must be highlighted and then held in our hearts as we try to navigate our way through the turmoil around us.

In Matthew 24, Yeshua begins his discourse with His disciples by sharing some critical advice that we all need to receive and remember: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you.' - Matthew 24:4

Deception is a watchword for our times. It is everywhere and comes in many guises. Just a quick scroll through Facebook reveals people advocating views on a range of subjects without any apparent thought or discernment.

So often we don't pray or search God’s word for truth and guidance.

Political upheaval is all around us, and many are aligning themselves with a particular viewpoint or political position without seeking the face of God and discerning His heart in the matter.

Yeshua declared: 'For many will come in My name saying, “I am the Messiah," and will deceive many' - Matthew 24:5.

In the world of politics, some believers speak about political leaders in a manner that comes close to messianic zeal. For example, believers who declare that President Trump is God's chosen vessel for the US. Or other believers who see him as the devil incarnate. Between the two groups, a vicious wave of argument and counter-argument often ensues that produces no fruit in the spiritual realm and completely lacks God's heart.
Yeshua is the Messiah / Christ. No one else will do! Nothing else will do!

Pray for politicians, but do not be deceived. Remember to declare God’s word and purposes over your nation. ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done’ is a powerful declaration.

Brexit has divided the UK. Many believers have strong opinions on either side of the debate, but all believers - irrespective of their political position - should be encouraged to pray for the nation and seek God's will.

Prayer connects us with the living God and empowers us to live and serve in the midst of chaos.

Paul, writing to the church in Thessalonica about the last days, declared words that we do not usually associate with end-times teaching, but they are so vital for all of us at this time:

‘But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.’ (In the context of the Lord's return being ‘as a thief in the night.’) - 1 Thessalonians 5:8

Faith, love and the hope of salvation. These are kingdom-building words that reveal to us God's heart and call us to live a Messiah-focussed life, seeking God first, worshipping Him, walking in the Spirit, and fulfilling His words in the scriptures.

My so-far brief journey into the world of Facebook, and my ongoing journey with the Lord show me that our God is far more merciful than we think or deserve, and also that for all of us who declare that Yeshua is Lord, we need to follow God’s words more closely than before.

As I prepare to minister this year in several nations, and continue to serve Him in Israel, I pray I will grow in discernment, faith, love and salvation. I pray that we who love and worship the risen Lord will reflect these eternal truths in our daily lives.

In the midst of global turmoil, may the reality of Yeshua be revealed in us more and more, piercing the darkness around us.

Colin Mitchell, April 2019
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