Delight in Zion
“But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream” - Amos 5:24
I have been in deep reflection for some considerable time about the current realities on the ground here in Israel, and how they relate to the nations, too.
We are living in seriously challenging times, and all of us who believe in Yeshua are having to navigate our paths and responses both sensitively and with great discernment.
My recent three-minute video alluded to these thoughts.
In the video, I reference God’s word in Isaiah 59:14:
“Justice is turned back,
And righteousness stands afar off;
For truth is fallen in the street,
And equity cannot enter.”
This verse has been gripping me for weeks. As David Davis, our founding pastor on Mt Carmel used to say, “I have been camping out” in Isaiah chapters 58, 59, and 60 for several weeks now.
Isaiah 59:14 seems to sum up the current realities here in Israel.
After five elections in a period of four years, the elected government, under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, has within its ranks ultra-right-wing extremists who believe that Arabs should not even live in Israel.
Itamar Ben Gvir, and Bezalel Smotrich have been given ministry posts in order to secure Netanyahu’s majority in the parliament.
Itamar Ben Gvir is an extremist who openly supports Jewish terrorists such as Yaakov Teitel, the man sent to prison for 90 years for committing murder and for sending a bomb wrapped up in a Purim gift to a Messianic family in Ariel, Israel. The bomb exploded and seriously injured the family’s 15-year-old son, who miraculously survived but required more than 20 surgeries.
Ben Gvir served as a lawyer in this case and declared, “we are all Yaakov Teitel” as he sought to justify his client’s murderous intent.
Now Ben Gvir has been given authority over Israel’s police force by Prime Minister Netanyahu. A price Netanyahu paid to keep his coalition together, and to keep himself in power.
If this isn’t bad enough, Bezalel Smotrich has been given authority over Judea and Samaria, the so called “West Bank.”
In recent weeks, sixteen Israelis have been murdered by extreme Islamists. Two were slaughtered by a terrorist who lived in the Arab village of Huwara.
The deaths of innocent Israelis continues to enflame the situation and wound the heart of every Jew in Israel, including mine.
But this is no justification for the evil attack that Jewish extremists then carried out on Huwara. Jewish settlers nearby burned Arab homes and cars and murdered one resident. This inexcusable violence grieves the Jewish soul. Any self-respecting Jew knows that such barbaric acts committed by fellow Jews is disgraceful and completely alien to Jewish thinking.
In a subsequent rant, Smotrich said that the Israeli army should “wipe out Huwara!”
When he realized that his words had been recorded, Smotrich apologized! His apology was clearly a public relations exercise and didn’t reflect any genuine change of heart.
Now you might react by asking, “Why doesn’t Netanyahu, (who historically is Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister with a legacy of service and an emphasis on security that has been worthy of respect) just sack Smotrich?”
The answer is simple. Netanyahu needs these extremists and their parties for his majority in parliament. If he sacks Gvir or Smotrich, he loses his majority and he loses his power.
I love Israel. I will continue to be an advocate for Israel and stand for God’s purposes for Israel and the Jewish people.
That said, I also know that I represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and His truth is sovereign.
We who love Israel must be willing to speak out when injustice and hatred infiltrate our nation and government, and not just ignore issues because they make us feel uncomfortable.
We cannot excuse such realities or just write them off as a politically inspired left-wing attempt to undermine a right-wing government, as some do.
The protests in Israel have brought together hundreds of thousands of citizens across the political spectrum. They are an expression of how deeply unhappy the majority of the Israeli people are with the government’s attempt to neuter the State’s historically independent judiciary.
We are called to pray for those in authority, and we do pray for all of our government ministers. But we must also speak out against evil and ungodly behaviour.
In recent times I have listened intently to a very brave and courageous Arab woman who loves Yeshua and recognizes Israel’s covenant relationship with God, including the land covenant.
At the same time, my Arab friend longs to see the Arab people grow in understanding and hope and is supporting educational initiatives among Arab youth and children.
Education will always be critical in bringing about any positive change among people anywhere.
As I listened, I was deeply convicted of the need for hope for Jews and Arabs alike and I will seek to practically and spiritually inspire and pray for such hope whenever I can.
Even as tensions and violence increase in Israel, and indeed around the world, it is wonderful to identify powerful hope springing up in the midst of growing hatred and darkness.
Isaiah declared this powerful hope in great contrast to the realities that existed as he spoke God’s words and revealed God’s heart.
"Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the LORD will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you." - Isaiah 60:1-2
People, arise! Get up! Shine!
God’s glory and His resurrection power are risen upon us!
Yes, the world is gloomy and spiritually bereft. But God’s promise to us is ringing out through His words. The Lord will arise over us and His glory will be seen upon us.
This is God’s promise as we continue to long for justice and hope to prevail.