Delight in Zion
“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39
Just two days ago, here in Israel, we received warnings of an approaching storm that duly arrived yesterday 20th December 2021, pouring much needed rain upon our dry land, but also threatening damage through very high gale force winds and severe floods.
The Israeli media gave it the name, ‘The Carmel Storm’, so we prepared for its arrival in practical ways, prayed for God’s protection, and waited.
The day before the storm, there was a quiet lull in the weather across the land, but we all knew the storm was coming!
Back in November 2019, I was privileged to speak in Malaysia on the God-given theme of “The Coming Storm.” Here is a picture of the promotion for that event.
In Kuching in East Malaysia, the afternoon before the meeting happened, there was a huge thunderstorm, with much lightening and rain as if to illustrate the theme perfectly.
A few days later, I was in Penang, and amazingly, the same thing happened there. A huge thunderstorm arrived some hours before I spoke on the same theme!
When I arrived in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, I was asking the Lord, somewhat cheekily, what He might do to illustrate the theme as there was no accompanying thunderstorm this time. When a special sister in the Lord, Susanna Koh, arrived at the conference, whose husband was a pastor in Kuala Lumpur but had been kidnapped (filmed on street cameras, probably by special forces of the Islamic government) and never heard of since, that was an even more powerful personal illustration of the theme.
We stood together and prayed for our dear sister and her family who are still to this day going through a storm most of us could hardly imagine! If you are interested in knowing more, here is an update on Susan Koh’s quest for justice.
In November 2019, I certainly did not know that the whole world was about to be engulfed by the plague of COVID 19, even as I spoke from Matthew 24, including the following verses:
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:7-8
The word “pestilences”
can be translated as “plagues.”
God has been preparing His sons and daughters around the world, through His powerful and unchanging Word, to face the storms that we are now experiencing. I would suggest that as a body of believers in Messiah, we have not been shaping up so well in our response!
We have all experienced lockdowns, restrictions, and some of us have known personal bereavements as a result of this plague.
I have lost several good friends in the UK to COVID.
To listen to a very close friend of mine weeping down the phone as she informed me of the loss of her mother, whom I loved, is something I will never forget.
What made it even worse, was not being able to attend the funeral, and comfort her family and friends because I was in lockdown in Israel.
That experience has been multiplied millions of times all around the globe, and it is still happening.
I strongly believe that this COVID plague, with all the subsequent divisions around the world, and among believers in the Lord, caused by the issues of governmental responses and vaccinations is an example of the words our Lord declared some two thousand years ago as He sat with His disciples on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem.
"All these are the beginning of sorrows."
I believe these are the times we are living in, although I should point out that there have been other dark periods of history, such as the dreadful so called “Spanish Flu”
in 1918, and the Holocaust, which marked the culmination of centuries of Jewish slaughter and murder in Europe.
Anyone alive during those events might have understandably concluded that they were experiencing "the beginning of sorrows."
I believe they were, and so are we today. It is a process that will be completed.
Unity among believers in the Lord is absolutely essential as we experience severe shakings here in Israel and in all nations.
“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.’ Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:25-27
God’s Word in the Scriptures perfectly prepares us for what we are experiencing today and what we will see in the coming years, but we must live this Word out and seek unity.
There is a raging battle for unity, which must be part of all our struggles whatever our strongly-held opinions are on a range of subjects.
Some of the issues that divide us seem to be a big distraction from our main responsibility to share the good news of redemption. They seem to stop us from praying about much bigger matters, such as the under reported talks going on in Vienna right now to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. This is a critical issue!
Psalm 133
reveals that our God declares the blessing of life forevermore in our unity.
Yeshua prayed for all of us in John 17 "That they may be one."
It is a unity in diversity, of cultures, identities, opinions, and generations, but it is a unity I will continue to battle for, even in the crazy world of social media, where proper thoughts and discussions are almost impossible to carry out.
It is so much better when we can understand each other’s hearts in person, looking into each other’s eyes, pray together, and hug too, when possible.
Please keep praying for the ending of this COVID plague.
In between the storms, there are periods of calm, and even sunshine. As I write, the huge rainstorm we experienced this morning has been transformed into a picture of a clear blue sky and bright sunshine.
Most importantly of all, as we approach the end of 2021, and look ahead to 2022, let’s declare our Lord’s words over our families, communities, and nations:
“Shalom, be still!”
We need His powerful peace in our lives. We need His peace to bring healing and unity.
Here in Israel, we need His peace to bring healing in our cities and villages.
We need His shalom to undo the plans of darkness emanating from Iran.
Lord we pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
We declare your words over all the storms around us at this time, “Shalom, be still!”