Delight in Zion
On Tuesday 28th January 2020, President Donald Trump and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, presented the US administration’s long awaited peace deal for Israel and the Palestinians. President Trump hailed it as ‘the deal of the century’.
actual document is 181 pages long and was put together by a team of US officials led by Jared Kushner and took over two years before it could be presented.
To look at the plan is to marvel at what appears to be the skills of a contortionist, in detailing a map that includes tunnels and access roads weaving in and out of Judea and Samaria (often called the ‘West Bank’) in a land that I remind us all is the size of Wales in the UK!!
In seeking to connect Gaza to Judea and Samaria via a long tunnel, and some Jewish areas to main Israeli routes, with very obvious security measures all around the over ground roads, this was clearly and exercise in trying to make sure that the two people groups would be kept apart in a maze of intricate and excruciating planning.
In other words, as the old saying goes ‘neither the twain shall meet!’
The plan has been given a four year implementation time period, to try to solve what has often been called ‘the longest running family dispute in world history’, that begun with Isaac and Ishmael as revealed in the scriptures.
It was very telling that Oman, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates sent representatives to the presentation, and there have been signals from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab States that they at least see these proposals as a basis for negotiations.
Iran, Turkey, and most noticeably, the Palestinian Authority all strongly opposed the plan, which is no great surprise.
Subsequently, The Arab league has rejected the plan, and the rejection of the plan by the Palestinians was expressed long before the plan was even presented.
Mahmoud Abbas certainly
revealed some of his true colours by calling President Trump ‘a dog, and the son of a dog’.
Can you imagine the outcry if Trump had called Abbas by the same words?!
Trump and Netanyahu’s personal political problems were highlighted by the media as they made the presentation, but let us be clear that the impeachment proceedings in the US will be defeated, and I would humbly predict that President Trump will probably be re-elected in the US election later this year.
The three corruption charges against Benjamin Netanyahu will be heard in the Supreme Court in Israel this year. It is still unclear whether Netanyahu will be blocked from forming a government in the build up to the 2nd March election because of these serious charges, but it is clear that the large majority of the Israeli electorate would be happy to see a coalition government between Netanyahu’s Likud Party and Benny Gantz’ Blue and White Party, and it would have already happened if Netanyahu had been willing to stand down, and seek to clear his name in court, before any attempt to resume his political service.
It was positive that Benny Gantz met with President Trump the day before the presentation, and agreed in principle, to the peace plan.
So will it work? Can this peace plan live up to its’ billing as ‘the deal of the century?’
And how should we, who love the Lord, position ourselves in these matters, and in what way should we pray?
I would join with some others in observing that the main value of this ‘peace plan’ is in the way it reshapes the debate about forming a durable peace.
Israel’s very real security needs have been clearly expressed and responded to in the plan, and in any future peace process discussions, these issues can never be overlooked again, as they have been by the UN and the now depleted European Union (After Brexit).
The behaviour of the Palestinian leadership, media and society has been strongly challenged to end incitement of hatred towards Jewish people, cease rewarding the families of those who commit murderous terrorist acts in Israel, and change their unacceptable teaching of school children to hate and want to murder Israelis.
But let’s be very clear. There is no sign of this happening, and a four year plan cannot remove ingrained hatred of Jewish people that has been fed viciously for several generations.
We do need to pray for the politicians involved, and especially for the people within both Arab and Jewish society who really want to find ways to build relationships and understand each other better. Any initiative that brings people together should be encouraged generally and supported in prayer.
But I will continue to say that there is no political peace process that will work as I believe that the problems here are mainly ‘spiritual’ and spiritual problems require spiritual solutions.
Our congregation situated on biblical Mt Carmel for nearly 29 years continues to experience the amazingly powerful transformation of both Jewish and Arab Israelis who come to faith in Yeshua/Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, being reconciled to God, and then reconciled wonderfully to each other.
Ephesians 2:14 – 15: ‘For He (Yeshua/Jesus) Himself is our peace, who has made both (Jews & Gentiles) one and has broken down the middle wall of separation. Having abolished in His flesh the enmity (hatred), that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two (Jews & Gentiles), thus making peace (shalom).’
Now this the ultimate Middle East Peace Process, and His name, the name above all names, is Yeshua/Jesus. He is the one who removes the hatred; He is the one who removes the barriers; He is ‘our shalom’; He is the Prince of Peace/Sar Shalom.
I know this sounds somehow impractical; I know it sounds like a bypassing of the normal processes of problem solving and political compromise and negotiation, but I can only declare that what we experience here in our wonderfully diverse Messianic believing community is what I strongly believe is the only true peace process that will work in Israel.
When Jewish and Arab people encounter the living God they are changed over time from hate to love; yes, it still needs to be worked through, and it is challenging, but it a process of transformation that brings overwhelming love and real lasting peace.
We must continue by all means, to pray for the peace of Israel and all of its’ Arab peoples and neighbours.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Pray for all the politicians involved; but please
pray for the radical building up of the ‘One New Man’ body of Messiah in Israel and the Middle East. Pray especially that more and more Jews and Arabs would come to saving faith in Yeshua/Jesus, and experience, deep within their hearts, the glorious transforming power of the Holy Spirit. This is real peace. This is the everlasting shalom we crave.
We trust God at His word concerning Israel.
Isaiah 46:13: ‘I bring my righteousness near, it shall not be far off; My salvation shall not linger, and I will place salvation in Zion, for Israel My glory.’
We need your prayers to be joined with ours in seeking the growing salvation of Jews and Arabs in Israel and across the Middle East.