Delight in Zion
[Note from Colin: This is an article written by Andrew Baker, a dear friend and wonderful servant of God. We believe it is an important word that the Body of Messiah needs to hear at this time.]
We are living in a key time right now, with unprecedented things happening around us. Many people are complaining about being ‘locked down’, ‘locked in’, but this is an extremely important season for believers, if we can catch it. This is the time to be ‘closed in’ with God prior to Pentecost. The season from Passover to Pentecost is a very important period. After celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord, remembering also how the Israelites were saved by the blood on the door lintels and we are saved by Jesus shed blood, we then continue through the rest of the days of unleavened bread and through the season that then leads up to Pentecost.
This is the time of removing all the leaven; removing anything that is hindering our walk with God. This is the time for reflection when the Holy Spirit will work within our characters, correct matters and help us to be prepared for the new season ahead. He will give us revelation and fill us with all that is necessary in readiness for what is facing us and the world in the days ahead. He will then bring us to Pentecost and fill us with the fire of God, if we are prepared and ready. After that we move into the unknown! We don't know if we have one plague: coronavirus, or many. We do know that the financial system will be in difficulty, that is even before us now. We also know that over the last 10 years or more God has been ‘preparing the way’ as we, as prophets and intercessors, have made inroads in the spirit into the financial realm. So, in that area, we shall see the things of the world declining and the things of the people of God advancing; that is the subject for another day. So, this is one of the things I wanted to mentioned to you today: this period from Passover to Pentecost and how important it is not just to feel ‘locked down’ but to be ‘locked in’ with God getting ready for the times ahead.
There is another matter I want to I want to talk about.
One day last week I was asking God: “what is the key to being rid of this coronavirus” and the Lord answered me with the word ‘fire’. It was as though God was saying ‘call down the fire’ and also, ‘use the fire that is within you’.
So I began to look at some scriptures concerning this fire. The first scripture I saw was in Zechariah 2:5 where the bible tells us of the Lord, “I will be a wall of fire around her (Jerusalem, God’s people) and I will be the glory in her midst” brackets mine. God was the fire of protection around His people! It reminded me of a story from Reinhard Bonnke where his tent, the place where he was having a huge meeting in Africa, was surrounded by fire in the spirit after prayer. The result was that various witch doctors could not even get into the tent to perform what they came to do; that is, to destroy Reinhard and the work. All they saw was a wall of fire around the tent, apparently, according to one of them who got saved later. Instead the power of the destroyer was nullified by the fire of God protecting Reinhard and the entire congregation in the mission tent. I also remember a meeting in Washington DC where, during the glory conference we were attending, the fire brigade were called three times, fire having been reported coming out of the roof of the building. So we see the fire of God’s protection; the fire of God’s presence; the fire showing us that God is ‘on the job’, present in the situation.
We are told in Hebrews 12:29 that “our God is a consuming fire”. That was the same fire of the Lord that fell and consumed everything when Elijah called down this fire upon the sacrifice he was offering. The result was that the people who had been in two minds about whether to serve God or Baal said, “The Lord, He is God”.
Where the fire is, the presence is. Where the presence is, so is the fire; even a consuming fire. Do you remember the burning bush in Exodus chapter 3? Although verse 2 says that “an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire”, yet verse 4 tells us that “God called to him from the midst of the fire”(NKJV). Be it an Angel or God Himself, fire was that which surrounded the heavenly appearance. It was the same in Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. Then there was David who built an altar and made offerings to the Lord, as seen in 1 Chronicles 21:26. David called on the name of the Lord and “He answered him from heaven by fire”. The fire of His presence; the fire of His protection; the fire that burns-up our offerings. This fire also cleanses and this fire kills the enemy and consumes all of his germs. Again in Leviticus 9:23-24 we see that “the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people, and the fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering”.
Hebrews 12:18 talks of the mountain that burned with fire; and in Genesis 19:24 it rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed the filth. Fire consumes not just the good offerings but it consumes the enemies work. It consumed, in that case, Sodom and Gomorrah!
Fire also refines: Malachi 3:2, referring prophetically to John the Baptist, talks of the ‘refiners fire’ coming to prepare people for Jesus.
Jesus said Luke 12:49 “I came to send fire on the earth”. The fire purifies, destroys, it separates, consumes, kills everything that's bad. Revelation 20:14 tells us of the Lake of fire that destroyed even the foul spirits too.
Looking more at the New Testament we see Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist speaking of Jesus: “He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire”. In Acts chapter 2 the outworking of that promise of the fire is recorded: “then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them they were filled with the Holy Spirit”. They then went out and demonstrated the power of the Kingdom the power of God, the very same fire of God we have been reading about, was now within them! Normally the fire of God would burn us up as impure sinful humans before a pure and Holy God, but the blood of Jesus protects us so, thank you Lord. We can have the Holy Spirit, God on earth, often seen as fire, living within us; that is quite awesome actually.
Let us recap quickly: the burning Bush, Pentecost, the fire at the glory meetings in Washington, Reinhardt Bonnke’s tent fire, consuming sacrifices, fire and glory of his presence, God the consuming fire, the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, then the refiners fire, the fire sent by Jesus on the earth, the fire filled baptism of the Holy Spirit, fire being the killer and ultimate destroyer of every plague, and everything evil including the devil himself.
Back in Acts 2 and this time verse 4 we see that this fire released the gift of tongues and, of course, whilst being a way to privately communicate with God and a way to worship in spirit and truth, yet tongues are also a weapon against the things that are contrary to the Kingdom of God. Sometimes, in prayer, it is as though we are firing off a machine gun in the spirit against the demonic work of the enemy; I feel sure this will have happened to many of you who are filled with the Holy Spirit.
In the New Testament we saw the fire of God at Pentecost and it is the same when believers lay hands on someone to receive the baptism of the Spirit it. It brings that fire; it brings power; it brings refining and it destroys evil. I'm saying it over and over again on purpose.
So, as I was praying, I saw something of what we should do in this current crisis .This fire is the very presence of God that can burn up the enemies. We need to pray down the presence; we need to pray down the fire on this plague; we also need to see that the fire of God is within us and as we speak, as we declare, as we pray, as we command the situation, this fire will kill the plague.
Father will also cover us by the blood of Jesus so that we will not be affected by fire, of course, as we release our prayers , especially in tongues.
Psalm 97:3-5 “a fire goes before Him and burns up His enemies… the mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord” The fire, the presence, burning up the enemies; we are getting the picture now. Psalm 18:8, a “devouring fire from his mouth”. Psalm 68:1-2 “Let God arise and his enemies be scattered… as wax melts before the fire”. God is this very presence; the Holy Spirit within us is the fire. The blood protects us, cleanses us makes us righteous and acceptable in His sight and therefore the fire does not burn us; in fact the fire can live within us! I remember the words of Jeremiah, “His word was in my heart like a burning fire”. So, I say again, we need to call down the fire of the presence of God, the anointing. It is the presence of God that will destroy this plague; the fire of the Holy Spirit within you can kill the plague. The fire of God around you will protect you, by the blood of Jesus, and the fire released when the Holy Spirit Himself speaks through your mouth in tongues, when praying in spiritual warfare, can destroy this plague and virus. We need to believe that the fire of God is within us and around us and will burn up God's enemies!
The Holy Spirit is the missing piece I once saw when I was doing a jigsaw puzzle with Carole. Yes, it would seem to have been a very mundane thing; it was a jig-saw of the Christopher Columbus going to the new world, the new territory. It was a prophetic jigsaw puzzle, in effect, and one piece was missing. I could not understand why the Lord would give me a prophetic jig-saw picture, so important for this present ‘new day’ and ‘new season’ in God, with a piece missing. We actually prayed to find the missing piece! That day we were visiting a local charity shop and there in the window was the same jigsaw puzzle. We bought that jigsaw, found the piece and put it into the jigsaw we were doing. God had provided the missing piece, but I still asked the Lord: “if this is a prophetic jig-saw, then what does this missing piece represent in today’s new day? Why is it missing and exactly what is missing from where? Then the Lord showed me: the power of the Holy Spirit has been locked out of many churches and out of the lives of many believers. The Holy Spirit is, and brings, the fire! He, the Holy Spirit, is the jigsaw piece that's missing.
Today we must see this revelation and pray for the restoration of this fire right across the body of Christ; the restoration of the Holy Spirit so that Christians can demonstrate the Kingdom of God instead of just speaking words.
Paul said he did not just come “with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power”.
So, here we are during this pandemic, we are staying in our houses. We are all being asked to stay in, to stay at home. Many people, including believers, are looking and saying ‘Oh! how many weeks, how many days am I going to be stuck inside? Shall I mark it of the calendar day by day like a person in prison may do? However, as believers, perhaps we are missing the point and the opportunity. When we were discussing this in the last ministry team meeting spent in one place, Anna commented and said “but this is the very purpose to stay in the house”. Here we have Passover coming now, then after that the feast of unleavened bread (the cleansing out of the leaven Brenda Taylor and I were talking about that same week). Then we have a period 40 plus days (50 in total, of course) leading up to Pentecost during which the apostles and other believers stayed in the upper room waiting for the fire to fall. They didn't know what was going to happen or how it was going to happen, but the fire came when they were in unity, staying and waiting inside a building until the fire fell! Now we are in the same position; creation is groaning for this breakthrough; we are all locked into our buildings, as it were. This is the time to be crying out to God for the presence, for the fire, for the holiness of God to come to burn, to purify, to destroy the enemy and to bring God’s power and enabling to those who will receive the Holy Spirit and His fire back into their churches and into their lives. This will then give power to believers, breathing fire, as it were, in conversation, in prayer, in declaration, in prophecy, in evangelism and in worship. The fire will go forth it will enable the believer to do his or her job; it will burn up the power of the enemy and it will purify and cleanse what has been spoiled. Yes, our God is a consuming fire and He will build a wall around believers and around the church and around Israel too. He will appear as fire from within you and around you. His fire will go forth before Him and will destroy his enemies and we can be sure of one thing from all of this destruction and burning and cleansing and refining and destroying of the enemy: there will come a powerful revival! There will come upon the earth the Kingdom of God in power. There will come upon the earth a release of resources that have, for many years, had to serve the devil’s work. There will come Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords to take His place, amen.
Let us call on the fire of God in these days and see the end of this plague, a solution for believers and new converts too to come through the days ahead in victory and the return of the Lord Jesus to carry out all that is promised in the word. So be it. Passover to Pentecost; will you be ready for the fire?