Delight in Zion
‘But now, thus says the Lord who created you O Jacob, and He who formed you O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine”’ – Isaiah 43:1
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been saying that by 1st July this year he will annex Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (often called the West Bank), and the area of the Jordan Valley that lies strategically along the Jordanian border.
The much-heralded Trump Peace Plan allocates these territories to Israel as part of a negotiated settlement with the Palestinian Authority. Netanyahu’s coalition government has made plans to unilaterally annex these areas, irrespective of an agreement with Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority.
The Netanyahu administration’s reason for this move is that they think it best to complete the annexation while Trump is still in office to increase the chances of US government support. With a US presidential election looming in November, no one knows whether Trump will be re-elected, so Netanyahu’s administration is trying to plan strategically.
If Joe Biden is elected, there will be no support at all from the US. So, the idea is to act now and avoid US opposition.
The thinking also goes that no amount of negotiation with the PA will bring a resolution They have already categorically rejected the Trump Peace Plan. So, the only way to secure the disputed territories is the annex them now.
It is clear that the PA and Abbas are just as committed to Israel’s destruction as the Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza, and the Iranians, whose proxy terrorists, Hezbollah, dominate Lebanon.
From a biblical perspective, God has already gone on record about how He views His land:
‘…but the land [Israel] which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year’ - Deuteronomy 11: 11-12.
Israel is God’s land, and He watches over it perpetually. That in itself is an amazing thought.
The biblically mandated land is much bigger than Israel is today and even much bigger than it would be if the proposed annexation took place.
‘Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. From the wilderness [the south of Israel] and this Lebanon [way north of Israel] as far as the great river, the River Euphrates [same as the modern day Euphrates], all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea [Mediterranean Sea], toward the going down of the Sun, shall be your territory’ – Joshua 1:3-4.
Today, the River Euphrates flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties out into the Persian Gulf. No one believe that Israel should invade those areas today.
The restoration of the nation of Israel has been going on for 2000 years and is still in process. We do not know how it will be completely restored, but we are assured that God is constantly watching over His land.
Now to the question currently facing Israel and its leaders:
In the light of the biblical mandate, the PA’s desire to harm Israel, and the US political uncertainty, should Netanyahu’s administration unilaterally annex the Jewish settlements and Jordan Valley on 1st July?
In other words: Should they do it now, should they never consider such a move, or should they leave it until later?
Before I express my own views, I would like to remind all of us who believe in God and care deeply about this matter that first of all we should pray. Urgent prayer is needed
The problem I have with annexing the land now is wrapped up in the problem I have with our Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, continuing to lead Israel while he is on trial for the serious criminal offences of bribery and corruption.
Yes, Benjamin Netanyahu has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That is not in dispute. But should any political leader be allowed to lead a nation while being tried for criminal offences?
I strongly say ‘no’. It is totally unacceptable.
With this in mind, Benjamin Netanyahu should not be the one making decisions about an annexation that will probably affect Israel and her international relationships for generations. It will likely lead to more bloodshed and war.
The problem is that critical decisions can be used to lever political power and strength that is not about the well-being of the nation, but the interests of the leader.
In the run up to his trial, Netanyahu has attacked the judiciary, the police, the prosecution counsel and the media. Although he is a defendant on trial, he is able to launch these attacks from a position of political power as the country’s Prime Minister.
This is not only unhealthy, but outright scandalous.
The government in Israel is a coalition of self-interest and mistrust. It is top heavy with expensive cabinet posts at a time of financial crisis around the world.
The facts on the ground are that Israel already has control of the Jordan Valley now. So, why go for annexation when the area is already under Israeli control? The same applies to the various Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria.
Carrying out the annexation now will not significantly change realities on the ground. (Annexation would apply Israeli sovereignty to the disputed territories, but it would not change Israel’s current military control over these areas).
It makes political sense to wait. And it would be so much better if these critical decisions were made by an Israeli Prime Minister not mired in criminal proceedings.
So definitely not now!
So then, should Israel never annex these territories in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley?
I certainly wouldn’t want these areas to ever be transferred to Palestinian control as part of some future peace deal.
The PA does not, and likely never will, recognize Israel’s right to exist. When Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza, all it got was Hamas rockets and terror. Israel should never cede land like this again.
Although the Trump plan is flawed in many respects, its value is that it shifts the debate quite correctly to examine the PA’s incitement of its children to hate and glorify terrorism, and to highlight Israel’s very real security needs.
Israel’ control of the Jordan Valley is the only way to ensure her ongoing security on the Jordanian border. To relinquish control would be strategic and military suicide.
So, I’m definitely not saying ‘never.’
Which leaves us with the option of ‘later.’
This maintains the security on the ground now, while calming the current frenzy sparked by Netanyahu’s annexation plans.
It allows the positive parts of the Trump Peace Plan to be digested and accepted as genuine and viable issues for Israel’s future security.
It also gives time for an untainted leadership to emerge in Israel that can respond to the challenges of Israel’s future without the self-interest and power grabbing that seems to motivate Netanyahu right now.
Finally, I believe with all my heart that God’s purposes for Israel, including the restoration of the land, and the restoration of its people into saving grace far outweighs all of the political intrigue currently being played out.
‘Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep’ – Psalm 121:4.
I take God at His Word regarding Israel. Please join us in praying for justice, wisdom and right decisions that will eventually bless all the people affected.
Thank you for your prayers.